Revolutionizing Tutoring Management with Remote Learning Solution

Project Overview

Omou is a startup company that offers tutoring management services designed for digital learning. Omou creates digital spaces for tutoring centers to grow and better connect their community of learners, parents, and teachers.

Working along with developers and other designers, this project has helped me to hone my design skills and get familiar with product workflow in general.


February 2020 - October 2021


UX Design, User Research, Prototyping, Wireframing, Developer Handoff, UI Design, E-mail Design


Figma, Miro, Jira, GitHub, Google Excel

About Omou

Omou was founded by former tutors and students who recognize vast accessibility of content and connectivity opportunities enhancing the learning and teaching experiences. The inspiration comes from creating digital spaces for tutoring centers to grow and better connect their community of learners, parents, and teachers.



Single source of truth for all admin processes. Modernizing payment and scheduling processes to reduce human errors. 


Keep your customers informed and everyone in the loop on student progress. Providing a central hub for parents, students, and staff alike.


Native online learning. Making online tutoring accessible and seamless to enhance student-teacher engagement.

The Product

Our mission is to remove all physical barriers that prevent students, parents, and teachers from connecting with a tutoring center’s community. In the end, all that separates you and your tutoring community is just 1 click away.

User Groups

Tutoring and academic counseling service providers to establish a digital presence as quickly and with as little disruption as possible. Omou is a multi-user platform where accessibility will be determined by the user types: Parent, Instructor, Receptionist/Admin, and Student.

Feature: Scheduling Experience

The efforts of a tutoring center community should be focused on learning and fostering a social learning community, not on the logistics required to come together in the first place. How can scheduling courses, staying aware of scheduling changes be as simple as possible for the entire tutoring center ecosystem?


Users Description

Case I:

Edit Session (Receptionist & Admins)

Case II:

Tutoring Scheduling (Parents)

Case III:

Attendance Email/SMS Reminders

  • Enable admins and instructors to deliver attendance reminders

  • Automatically sent - how should these be set? What does MVP look like

  • Allow admins and parents to see instructor course availability

  • Allow individuals and groups to schedule tutoring sessions with instructors

  • Enable admins and instructors to add tutoring sessions to an existing course

  • Allow admins to set what days tutoring sessions for an instructor are available,  and generate new sessions based on selected day(s) of the week

  • Improve tutoring session rescheduling

Instructors are focused on making their schedule available to admins and parents, and keeping both parties updated in case of changes to the course schedule. 

Parents are interested in scheduling tutoring sessions for their students or group of students and staying aware of when tutoring sessions have been scheduled or are about to begin.

Admins are interested in scheduling tutoring sessions for students based on the instructor’s availability.


  • Receptionists and Admins are not able to reschedule individual tutoring sessions - This limits a tutoring center’s ability to be nimble and adjust to changes in instructors’ or students’ schedules.

  • Receptionists and Admins are not able to reschedule all upcoming tutoring session to account for long term change in a student’s or instructor’s availability


  • Allow Receptionists and Admins to change date, start time, and duration for: 

    • One specific tutoring session

    • Edit all future sessions (ex. Course has MWF sessions, but it needs to change to Tuesday / Thursday sessions going forward)

  • Receptionists and Admins are able to book a new timeslot, but not at the same time and in the same room as another session. Avoid scheduling conflicts.


  • Parents don’t have the ability to schedule tutoring sessions for their students


  • Parents are able to schedule tutoring sessions for their student

  • Instructors are able to accept or decline requests for their tutoring sessions

  • Instructors can set this request acceptance setting to “auto-accept” tutoring requests

  • Receptionists can view and confirm requested tutoring sessions


  • Students don’t attend tutoring session because they forgot when the lesson or tutoring session is held

  • Parents do not bring their student to the tutoring session because they forgot when the lesson or tutoring session is held

  • Instructor wastes time because a student doesn’t show up to the session

  • Parent wastes money because their student doesn’t attend tutoring session


  • Keep parents aware of their students’ session and attendance, to increase the value parents and students are getting from the tutoring sessions

Feature: Course Management

This feature will allow users to access the courses that they are enrolled in. Access control is vary based on user types:

  • Parents can only browse courses that they have registered for.

  • Instructors can only browse courses they've been assigned to


Within a tutoring center, it can be hard to keep track of when important data is created, edited or deleted.


  • Through Course Management, instructors can manage the course they teach in and take ownership of that, such as creating announcements, contacting students/parents, and also attendance.

  • Through Course Management, parents can manage their children’s information, such as the classes they are enrolled in, course announcements, and also course links to online sessions.

Final Design Course Management (Instructors)

Final Design Course Management (Parents)

Omou Design System


My Thoughts

  • Learning as we go

    Most of us never had the experience to build an actual product before, and yet we were here together for 2-3 years. The process has a bittersweet experience as we have lots of pivots as we go, but again, we were willing to use our passion to learn about it and to share knowledge from each other.

  • On The Same Page

    Communication is the key. I never thought this process would be this intense because the weekly meeting kept growing from once a week to three-four times a week especially when working on multiple features at once. Learning terminology, syncing schedules in between life, continuous times on brainstorming, all of them have been a tremendous learning experience for each of us throughout the journey. Although we all knew that this could be all or nothing, we had the same mindset where we’re taking this as seriously we could.


ux design // design system // branding


product design // research // development