Project Overview

As a contributor to the design team on a contract basis, I contributed significantly to the creation and prototyping of a map-based dating mobile app for a California-based startup. My responsibilities included setting up the design system, refining the brand identity, crafting engaging pitch packages, and continuously improving online dating user experience through various iterations.

Status: The app is currently in the development phase. The official name now is Topo Match (Previous was Link Up Meets).


June-September, 2021


Figma, Miro, Adobe CC

Overview : Problem

In the world of online dating, many people struggle to find meaningful and lasting connections. Even with so many dating apps out there, folks often deal with issues like shallow conversations, different expectations, and no clear way to know if they're a good match. This can be really frustrating and make people feel like online dating just doesn't work.

Solving this problem is important because it helps make online dating a better experience and lets people find real, happy relationships in today's digital world.

Failure to Launch on Dating Sites

  • Difficulty in choosing a location to meet.

  • Users don’t want to leave their comfort zones.

  • Ghosting is an issue.

Meeting Others at Large Events

  • It’s hard to initiate connections with people at large events.

Lost Connections

  • Someone made a lasting impression on you, but you forgot to exchange contact information.

  • You wish there was a way to retrace your step and reconnect with this person.

Concept Solution

A contemporary fix to a contemporary problem

A web-based mobile application that will enable users to broadcast:

Where they want to meet their next date

Where their proximity is during a large event

Where they had a missed connection

A Growing Market - an overview of current market and projected revenue

Global Dating App Users

Global Dating App Projected Revenue

Product Overview

Users will have an interactive map on their mobile devices that will display locations with other user profiles.


Users gain more visibility by pinning their own profiles to the locations of their choice.


  • Users may select a location with profile pins to find a match.

  • Or they may select our local databases to find a match.


  • The application will relay the location of where the match was made.

  • Matched users only decide on the time and date to meet up.

Keeping The Focus

Market Strategy

Competitor Analysis

Based on 2021 data

The Product

  1. There will be strategically selected predefined hotspots at favorable locations, events, and attractions to enhance the safety of their users.

2. User picks a hotspot to place their pin, and they can see other user(s) in the same location

3. Then, the user will explore the profile, and they will match if they both like each other.

4. There will be chat feature when users are matched

5. Available users will be filtered based on user profile

Design System

crafted based on the branding guidelines and inspired by the vision.

My thoughts

In this project, I had the opportunity to collaborate closely with the engineering lead and the company founder as the sole designer, bringing their vision to life. It's quite common for startup companies to experience frequent pivots, but it's a valuable learning experience for everyone involved.


product design // accessibility


product design // research // design system