Project Overview


Blend It Healthy is a to-go smoothie shop located in Los Angeles County, and it's been around since 2014. With a mission of creating a community of well-being and providing access for true nourishments, they are also known as an honest business where all the products are 100% natural, free from additives, and full of integrity.

As their main visual designer, I was given a project to redesign their website and branding to deliver the mission and vision of the company.



November 2019 - January 2020


Novia Elvina (UX Designer, Prototyping, Content editor)

Wilson Lam (Software Engineer)


Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, Google Docs



Their previous website was built in 2014, and it's very much outdated, so the owner would like to update not only the interface of it, but also the experience where customers can get the access to wellness information provided in the website.


 The Process

I started from creating its visual looks into a consistent one, so I'm focusing on their three (3) main colors: Green, Orange, and Blue.


 After the new logo was approved, we moved on to other products.


Before Reconstructing

The goal of creating the website without having any feature of an online order is because the owner himself prioritizes educating his consumers with the information of the products and its ingredients, also increasing their sales, of course.

I studied the elements within the website before making any changes because my client wants to keep most of the features from the old website.


Well, I think the quality of the content is there, but there's no sense of direction in the platform if the goal is to educate consumers and promote the business at the same time.
Since creating new feature (like online order feature) is
not an option in this case, I had to make a decision where the website is more user friendly and providing the contents with cleaner and more modern look that speaks health!

The overall map looks really simple and you will notice that Our Ingredients and Resources are sections that are not usually being displayed on an e-commerce website, but again, per owner request, these sections are super important to be put up there because the goal is to provide a platform and service where people will get educated about their wellness when they visit the website.




Also, I did some research about competitors out there.

 Final Design

The (Landing) Homepage

I had to retake all the pictures since they are pretty old and outdated. I like to stick with the color greens because it just screams healthy, nature, wellness, and natural.


Menu Page

Before, the website doesn’t have access to the menu, and with the updated version, they can download the menus (they have a very big menu) into their device, share, or even print them.


Ingredients Page

List of the ingredients of the products and their benefits and external links if users want to explore more of it.


Resources Page

Following the trends of the wellness world, the articles on this page will be updated regularly, so users have access for their well-being.


Testimonial Page

A feature that I created where users can leave their feedback about the product.



  • First Time

    I'm pretty excited on how this is going to turn out as this counts as my first UX design project and I had the opportunity to interact with the developer to explain all the features and flow.

  • Not too much flexibility, but still manageable

    I learned a lot from this project because I had been involved from 0. I had to provide all the contents, visual looks, templates, features, prototyping, so pretty much everything except the coding part, haha.
    I also learned that your ideas and approaches are not always on the same path with the client because at the end of the day, it's their product that I'm working on, but you gotta do your best anyway :)


ux design // research // usability testing